at Wheeler High School
Magnet Parent Nights
This is an opportunity for parents and students to hear about all the magnet programs Cobb County has to offer, the admissions process, and get your questions answered by representatives from all of Cobb's magnet programs.
Magnet Middle School Visits
Magnet Coordinators hold presentations for each CCSD Middle School in the fall. The presentation includes information about all of the CCSD Magnet programs. Contact your 8th grade counselor for more information.
Wheeler Prospective Magnet Student Night
Potential applicants and their parents or guardians are invited to join our faculty and staff at our Wheeler Prospective Magnet Student Night. Guests will learn about our curriculum and student life. Attendees will have an opportunity to see our facilities and interact with students, staff and teachers​

2024-25 Admissions Timeline
These dates are subject to change. We will announce updates if it becomes necessary
Cobb Magnet Parent Night:
September 5, 2024, Kennesaw Mountain High School
Online Application Available:
October 1, 2024
Prospective Magnet Student Night :
October 17, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00pm, Wheeler High School
Application Deadline (Applications must be submitted by this date) - December 2, 2024
Teacher Recommendation Deadline :
January 15, 2025
Admissions Decisions available to Applicants on the Application portal: January 31, 2025 4:30pm
Wheeler Magnet Showcase for Accepted Students -
February 13, 2025, 6:00pm, Wheeler High School
Commitment Deadline:
March 3, 2025
Must be an incoming freshman
Must reside in the Cobb County School District at the time of registration
Must complete and submit the online application by the deadline
Must agree to the following program requirements:
Completion of a magnet recognized STEM or STEAM track
Required Research and Internship in senior year
Minimum of 10 magnet courses in math and science
Senior Research with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) emphasis.
Completion of 4 credits each semester
A local admissions committee considers each applicant holistically. Some of the criteria considered includes:
Middle school grades
Standardized test scores
Magnet Test scores
Strong interest and aptitude in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Strong communication skills
Recommendations from middle school Math, Science and English teachers
Math placement entering the program
Application Instructions
CCSD Students
Admission instructions for students currently attending a school within the Cobb County School District
Admission instructions for students currently attending a private school, home school, or any school outside of the Cobb County School District